

Jim Weese has served as a leadership consultant for a number of national and international companies as well as public service organizations.

He brings practical and theoretically-grounded wisdom and entertaining insights to the role. Contact him to discuss your consulting needs.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Leadership

  • Leadership Development

  • Mentoring

  • 360 Leadership Review and Advancement

Contact Jim directly at:

(c) 519-495-0015


Jim Weese is a dynamic speaker who engages his audience with his insights and experience. Hire him, like we did. You will not be disappointed.

Tim Marko, Senior Director, Dare Foods Ltd. , Cambridge ON

“The world could use more 5C leaders”

Joe Henry, Dean of Students at King’s University College, London, Ontario Canada

I have always trusted and admired Jim’s leadership.

Jackie Cuneen, Bowling Green, OH